Mexican Poncho

Mexican Ponche


  • 4 Cups LALO Tequila
  • 4 QT Water
  • 6 Large Guavas
  • 3 Red Apples
  • 2 Pears
  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Cone Piloncillo
  • 6 Whole Cloves
  • 4 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 2 Tbsp Dried Hibiscus Flowers
  • 1 Dried Tamarind Pod


Place water in a large stockpot. Add the piloncillo, cloves, and cinnamon and simmer for 15 minutes.

Add the chopped fruit, tamarind, and hibiscus flowers. Bring to a boil, lower heat, cover and simmer for at least 30 minutes.

Remove from heat, add tequila, stir and serve in mugs. Makes 12 servings. ¡Salud!